Why You Need to Improve Your Relationship with Money

If you’re like me, you have a love-hate relationship with money. You love the idea of having money and being able to afford the things you want, but you hate that you have to work hard to earn it. 

The truth is, your relationship with money is just like any other relationship. It takes work to maintain and improve. Like any other relationship, you need to put in the effort if you want a better relationship with money.

If you’re wondering why you should work on improving your relationship with money, here are a few reasons:

1. Money habits are learned and impact what we do and how we feel.

We learn most of our money habits from our parents or guardians. We see them handle money, make spending and saving decisions, and follow their lead. Of course, there are other influences, too, like friends, media, and money.

Some money habits are positive and help us manage our finances well. Others can be harmful and lead to debt or financial problems down the road. It’s necessary to be aware of both types to make informed choices about our money management.

Positive money habits include things like:

These habits can be taught by good role models, financial education, or paying attention to money management. They help us make sound financial decisions and build a foundation for a healthy financial future.

On the other hand, some money habits can be harmful. These include:

  • Impulse buying
  • Not saving regularly
  • Living beyond our means
  • Racking up debt
Check out this episode of the Nav.it money podcast, where Viv talks keepin’ up with the Joneses.

Perhaps you’re constantly stressing about money, or maybe you’re a shopaholic who can’t seem to stop spending. Either way, these habits can be difficult to break unless you’re consciously aware of them and actively working to change them.

2. An unhealthy relationship with money can lead to financial problems.

If you’re constantly worrying about money or spending more than you can afford, it’s only a matter of time before you run into financial trouble. By improving your relationship with money, you can get your finances under control and avoid future money problems.

3. An unhealthy relationship with money can affect other areas of your life.

Your relationship with money doesn’t exist in a vacuum; it also affects other areas of your life. For example, being consistently stressed about money can lead to relationship problems, health concerns, and even job issues. You can improve your quality of life by improving your relationship with money.

If you’re ready to work on improving your relationship with money, here are a few tips to get you started:

1. Be honest with yourself about your money habits.

The first step to changing your money habits is to be honest with yourself about what they are. Do you spend too much money when you’re out with friends? Do you have a hard time sticking to a budget? Once you know your money habits, you can start working on changing them.

2. Set realistic financial goals.

Setting realistic financial goals to improve your relationship with money is necessary. Otherwise, you’re setting yourself up for disappointment. Figure out what you want to achieve financially and make a plan for how you’re going to get there.

3. Talk about money with your friends and family.

Money is still a taboo subject for many people, but it doesn’t have to be. Talk about money with your friends and family members. Share your financial goals and ask for their advice and support.

4. Seek professional help if necessary.

If you’re struggling to improve your relationship with money on your own, seek professional help. A money coach is a great place to start, or maybe you need a financial planner or therapist. They can help you get to the root of your money problems and find solutions that work for you.

Improving your relationship with money won’t happen overnight, but it’s worth the effort. By improving your relationship with money, you can enjoy a healthier, happier, and more financially secure life.

Related Links:

Blazing Your Own Trail Podcast

Defining Your Relationship with Money

How Your Childhood Impacts Your Relationship with Money

Type of Relationships with Money

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