What is a Money Coach

Perhaps you have a lot of debt and don’t know how to get out of it. Maybe you’re struggling to save money each month. Or maybe you just want to understand your relationship with money better so that you can make wiser financial decisions. If you want the ability to experience life according to your values, goals, and objectives, it can be pretty difficult to manage your money alone. Unfortunately, with today’s rising cost of living, it’s hard for people to achieve financial wellness, and that’s where a money coach comes in. 

Money coaching can help you in many ways.

Coaches help you visualize and reach your goals, but good coaching provides actionable insight and opportunities for growth. These are usually based on specific areas you want to improve. Thus, everyone, from elite athletes to business leaders to famous personalities, needs a coach from time to time. 

Money coaching is a collaborative process that enables you to achieve your financial goals. A financial coach will listen carefully to understand what you want to achieve. They will then offer objective advice on how to get there and assist you in developing a plan with strategies to organize your finances. They will also work with you to get to the root of your financial behaviors and patterns so you make wise decisions in the future. 

Most money coaches have experience working with people from all walks of life and can tailor their advice accordingly.

“On my journey to becoming more financially independent, one of the most significant steps was meeting with a Money Coach. I was nervous. Having someone look over your money and where it was going was nerve-wracking. Especially when you know there are areas you could improve. The cool thing about Money Coaches is that they’re people like you and me. They are entirely aware of the economic strain going on in the country. They are aware of the ongoing pandemic, climate change, and pay gap. And they understand.

Jasmine Powell, Where Does the Money Reside?

Read on to learn what a financial coach is and if one might be right for you:

Who is a financial coach?

Financial coaches are also known as financial wellness coaches or money coaches. They are advisors who help you ease the stress of money management responsibilities. A coach can help you change or improve your current financial situation in many ways, including the behavioral and emotional components of managing money. 

Money couches will help you identify the basis of all your financial decisions and help you create a healthier mindset that leads to better money habits. They guide you to develop a vision for your financial life and create a plan to achieve it.

What does a financial coach do?

Coaching is a collaborative process of raising self-awareness and unlocking potential. A coach’s primary role is to empower clients with the knowledge, skills, and confidence they need to make qualified financial decisions. Financial coaches take a holistic view of your financial situation and help you to:

  • Identifying and understanding your spending patterns and habits help you build awareness
  • Gain clarity around your finances, based on your values: They guide you to explore emotions and behaviors and help you identify your stories/patterns of behavior. They also help you understand that your beliefs about money are often at the root of their spending issues.
  • Create a financial plan, set meaningful goals, and commit to actionable strategies, including a budget: Coaches view money as a tool rather than a destination. Thus they will work with you to establish short-, mid-, and long-term goals with reasonable timelines. Coaches will work with you to explore and define the life you want to live and help you set goals and devise plans to achieve them.
  • Build financial literacy: Coaches will provide appropriate resources to help you learn about personal finance and how to make informed money decisions. Once you have a plan and prioritized steps to achieve them, a coach’s role shifts to education and guidance.
  • Manage debt and raise your credit score for future financial goals 

Money coaches will also offer support and accountability to help you implement the steps you have put in place. From time to time, they will also work with you to review progress, correct deviations, and celebrate accomplishments. 

Benefits of financial coaching

‍Financial coaching helps remove self-destructive thought patterns and behaviors to make people feel better about money and create a proper plan for the future. Benefits of financial coaching include:

  • You get a personalized financial plan: The first step in the financial coaching process is to understand your current financial situation. The coach collaborates to develop a concrete financial plan based on your unique skills, values, resources, and interests.
  • Consistent results: Having a personalized financial plan ensure that all your actions are coordinated toward achieving goals. It also provides a way to measure progress, quickly identify deviations, and take corrective action if necessary. 
  • Increased efficiency: Financial coaching allows you to clarify your spending pattern and habits. Awareness will help you eliminate wasteful distractions and focus on achieving goals.
  • Reduce mistakes: Working with a money coach involves multiple brainstorming sessions, significantly reducing the chances of making mistakes. You benefit from the coach’s experience and the experiences of the clients who have walked this path before. They are likely to have dealt with problems similar to yours in the past. 
  • Accelerated growth: You go looking for a coach because you want to change. Coaching provides a supportive environment that facilitates accelerated growth, helping you stretch your abilities without added stress. 
  • Better problem-solving skills: Coaches provide expert brainstorming partners that help unleash your inner wisdom. They guide you to make course corrections, avoid detours and identify opportunities you otherwise might have overlooked
  • Improved Financial Habits: Your overall health, wealth, and happiness all result from your habits. Similarly, the transformational technology practiced during financial coaching improves financial habits and positively affects other aspects of your life. 

Financial coach vs. financial advisor?

Financial coaching is specialized coaching that helps people develop financial literacy and money management skills to start increasing your net worth. They will help you create a budget, talk to your partner about money, or unpack unconscious beliefs affecting your spending habits. They guide you to build sol[id money habits.

On the other hand, a financial advisor enables you to create a financial plan or build an investment portfolio to manage assets. They deal with money and handle assets directly, and their goals are focused on specific products and strategies. 

Another significant difference is that money coaches do not require a mandatory level of training or certification. Because they are not licensed, financial coaches cannot give you specific investment advice or recommend valuable products. So while they are a partner, you are wholly responsible for the failure or success of your finances based on their guidance.

However, the financial advisory industry is highly regulated and controlled by its governing body. Thus financial advisors need to have specific qualifications, and they also have to watch what they’re saying in terms of marketing materials and guarantees. Otherwise, they could be at risk of fines.

Where can I find financial coaches?

Financial coaches don’t need special certification. However, suppose you would feel more comfortable working with an independently certified financial counselor. In that case, AFCPE’s website is a good place to start. This accreditation will ensure you find an experienced and certified professional. 

Other places to find coaches include online investment management service providers ( also called Robo-advisors). You can also ask for recommendations from your family, friends, lawyers, accountant, or neighbors. Most people will be more than happy to give you a referral. You can also reach out to local businesses or investment clubs to see who they know.

Financial coaches at financial education centers

Financial education centers are designed to provide financial well-being resources to the public. They offer various services, including financial counseling, money management workshops, and educational materials.

Some financial education centers are run by government agencies, while others are operated by nonprofit organizations or private companies. Financial education centers typically offer various services, including financial counseling, money management workshops, and educational materials.

Financial education centers can be an excellent resource for people who want to learn more about personal finance. They can provide helpful information and resources on budgeting, saving, and investing. Financial education centers can also be a great place to get help if you’re struggling with debt or other financial problems.

If you’re looking for financial education resources, your local library or community center may have information about financial education centers in your area. You can also search the internet for financial education centers or contact your state’s consumer protection office to find out more.

The most convenient way to find a money coach: a money coaching app

It’s no secret that money can be a tough topic to talk about. We all want to be financially stable and secure, but sometimes it feels like we’re just treading water. That’s where a money coach comes in.

A money coaching app is the most convenient way to find a money coach and get started on your financial journey. Here’s why:

  1. Money coaches through apps like Nav.it are able to do the same thing money coaches do in person:
    • A money coach in a money app can help you identify your financial goals and create a plan to reach them.
    • They can also provide you with the accountability and support you need to stick to your financial plan.
    • A money coach can help you navigate life’s financial challenges, whether it’s buying a home, starting a family, or dealing with unexpected expenses.
    • A money coaching app is a convenient way to get started on your financial journey and make progress towards your goals.
  2. They’re convenient. You can find a money coaching app like Nav.it on the Google play or Apple Store. Because they’re accessible on your mobile device, you can reach out to them anytime and anywhere as long as you have your cell phone.
  3. Money coaching apps combine the power of technology with a human touch. By consolidating financial tools and resources into a streamlined money app, you can access all of your accounts and tools to manage your money in one spot. Human support from a money coach helps you navigate those tools and resources and stay accountable, so you actually reach your financial goal this time.

What is the cost of hiring a money coach?

Most coaches work on a fee-only basis, charged based on how long you plan to work together or per individual session. While some coaching packages cost thousands of dollars, typical rates are between $75 to $600 an hour; the rate will vary depending on the coach. Primary factors that cause this variation in rates include qualifications, experience, and third-party recognition. Thus, it is always important to ask upfront about the expected costs. 

The bottom line

Money coaching is coaching tailored to a client’s situation. They will guide you in understanding how your attitudes and beliefs affect your financial situation to help improve your well-being and resilience. They will also help you with a financial plan with strategies to help you stay motivated throughout the process. 

A good financial coach is worth your time and money because they will simplify your money management and organize you to take action. Thus, working with a financial coach is worth it if you have no idea where to start solving your money issues, are limited on time, and lack motivation.

Nyamonaa Agata is a content writer specializing in creating value-based, search-engine-optimized content for informational and marketing purposes. With over five years in the banking and financial services industry and an MBA, she has an extensive background in writing on personal finance, investment, fintech, B2B, and B2C topics

We’re here to help you break free from the paycheck-to-paycheck cycle and navigate your financial journey, one day at a time. Nav.it At Work gives you the tools to take control of your financial future.


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