Let’s Nav.it : 2.0

Nav.it Money App 2.0 Features

Nav.it is designed to instill confidence and passion for your road ahead. Nav.it is a collaborative community of users ready to take control of their finances in a more creative, interactive and encouraging space. This is how you become confident in your money moves, especially in an uncertain economy.

When they first enter the app, Nav.igators are asked to tell us a bit about their lives in a safe, confidential, and friendly way. We want our Nav.igators to feel supported, capable, and heard.

Join our community, and think of us as your financial friend. We’ll be here when you’re crushing life and when you need a little nudge of encouragement. We can help understand and recession-proof your finances, or negotiate a higher salary. We break down ways to consolidate and pay off student debt, and also lay out how to access capital to start a business. It’s your journey; we hope you’ll take us along for the ride.

The Homepage

The homepage was designed to inspire transformation and ignite curiosity. We never want to overwhelm our Nav.igators with a convoluted graph of ‘where they are’ with their finances. Instead, the Homepage acts as a welcome center. From here you can choose to dive into your money, tell us how you’re feeling about your road ahead, read up on the latest financial news and money guides or get inspired by stories told from our community.

This journey is what you want it to be. Like Google Maps, we’re here to guide you on your journey and offer up some alternative routes when the road gets bumpy. 

The Money Page

Health Checks

Most daily money management apps show you how much you’re spending, how much you’re saving and give you an indication of how much you have leftover in budgets for things like lattes, streaming bills, and rent. 

We like to think about your earnings and expenses a little differently. A lot of the anxiety and pressure we feel around our money results from the misguided notion that if you’re not a Wall Street Guy, you’re not going to be as prepared to save, earn or invest. 

That’s not how we roll. The Money Page is centered around a simple Health Check. Not only do we want to provide you with a view of your weekly budgets and money goals, we also want to show you that more likely than not, you’re doing well. And if you have room for improvement, we have resources to get you there.

Here’s how we’ll make sure you’re set up for success: 

Emergency Fund | We got you covered with our automatic FDIC insured savings account. A percentage of your income will be tucked safely away each month so you never need to worry about maintaining some savings over time.

Debt | Most of our Nav.igators have debt. We’ll help guide you through the repayment path that’s best for you.

Grow Wealth | We’ll help get you on a retirement path. Already there? We’ll also recommend a few ways to invest your extra income or pay down student loans.

Recession-Proofing | Review your finances and get tips on safely protecting it. In uncertain times, it’s important to review banking and legacy products for your family. Our legacy health check offers additional guidance with tips on insurance, power of attorney, will planning and health directives.

Me. Inc Portfolio

The second part of your Money Page is your actual money. We’ll aggregate your accounts in one place to provide a descriptive display of all your money moves. Set up savings goals and budgets so you always know how much to spend in order to save for your future needs. Create better plans around monthly bills with push notifications and a strategic planning calendar.

Tracking and statistics displays will consider how you’re performing against others similar to you, while the budget, debt and salary calculators will help you explore new ways to save and invest.

If you choose to not connect all of your accounts you can always manually upload income, expenses, investments, and debt amounts within your Me Inc. portfolio.

Best part of all? Everything is completely customizable. We’ll allocate expenses into categories, but you can move or edit expenses, manually enter additional money in or out and even create custom categories.

Money Mindset

By now we all know how important a strong, healthy mindset can be to keep us on the straight and narrow. Our primary mission is to help change your mentality around your money moves. We understand that -like any lasting partnership- the relationship you have with your money can cause a range of emotions. Instead of associating money and the prospect of growing wealth with fear, pressure, and loneliness, we want to help create positive thoughts and powerful emotions towards your Money Mindset.

Our Money Mindset feature helps you keep track of how your money moves make you feel, asking you to identify the root causes of those emotions to help forge a healthy outlook and strong intentions to grow your wealth, your way. 

Community Page

Our anonymous group let users connect with each other over money. After all, we learn by asking the tough questions, listening to those who have gone through the tough shit and teaming up to support each other through thick and thin.

It’s time for us to start talking about our finances, life experiences and our unique perspective on career, travel, and nav.igating the world on our terms.


You may not have time to revisit the Finance 101 textbook collecting dust on your bookshelf, and that’s why we’re curating a robust set of resources equipped to provide you with everything you need to know about your finances. These guides and articles are handcrafted by our Nav.it team, ambassadors, coaches, and mentors to help give you a variety of perspectives and tips.

Test your mad new money skills with our interactive quizzes. We’ve found our Nav.igators know a LOT more about their money moves than they think they do. What’s better than a quick review of topics to show you this app thing is actually working for you? After all, the more confident you are on your money journey, the more ready you’ll be to explore new roads, meet new people, and enjoy the path you choose for yourself. This is your life; use Nav.it as a tool to help you live it to the fullest.

Free v. Premium

Financial literacy should never come at a cost. 

The Nav.it Money App is designed to bring confidence to your money moves by helping you set up an automated savings account, pay down debt and track spending from all of your financial accounts. 

Download Nav.it for free. You’ll be able to do the following:

  1. Track all your money from one dashboard,
  2. Monitor and move expenses,
  3. Open an automated savings account,
  4. Get in-app tips and resources from our coaches,
  5. Connect with fellow Nav.igators from the Community,
  6. Split the bill with expense splitting features,
  7. And foster a growth mindset around your money. 

Our behavioral approach to financial wellness will help you build a lasting relationship with your money. 

Premium: Get our Premium Features for Free

Until further notice, we’re giving our nav.igators complimentary access to Premium. We know Covid-19 is impacting many people financially, and we want everyone to nav.igate their new normal confidently.

Become more connected to your long-term money moves. Get Premium to unlock: 

  1. Custom budgets and goal categories
  2. Bill planning and notifications
  3. Wealth Health Check
  4. Legacy Health Check
  5. Work-expense tracking and reporting
  6. One-on-one coaching

Ready? Let’s Nav.it! Download now.

We’re changing the narrative around money but change can’t happen with a one-sided conversation. That’s why we’re excited to bring different voices and experts to share their wisdom. Send us an email and let us know what you think. And remember the nav.it money app offers you free tools for checking in and managing your money moves.

You can download it at Google Play and the Apple Store.

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