Top 11 Tips for Work Life Balance and Success

As a leader, your team puts entrusts you with a lot of responsibility. We already know that you can handle it, but when you feel yourself (or confidence) start to waiver, come back to these 11 tips for work life balance and setting yourself up for success.

Start your day with a positive attitude.

Get out of your head and into your body–whatever that means for you. It might be going for a run or walk, taking a spin or yoga class or simply being quiet and meditating. Your intention is to be grounded, present, confident and ready to face the day.

Stay true to who you are.

When I was 28, I had an interview with an executive who would eventually hire me for my first sales manager job. He asked me, how will I change if I make a lot of money? The truth is, my values have never changed, despite periods of my career where I’ve earned a lot of money.Perhaps your lifestyle changes when you have more money, but your values don’t have to. You are the same person at work as you are at home so show up in business as your authentic self.

Don’t get caught up on the hours. 

Don’t stay in the office late because “everyone else is doing it”. I learned early in my sales career to never confuse activity with results. It wasn’t about how many sales calls I went on; it was about making sure each one had a successful outcome.Don’t get me wrong, I spent my fair share of late nights at the office early in my career. But ultimately, it’s all about performance – how much you can make happen in a given timeframe, not the actual time you put into it.

Don’t be concerned about being liked.

Listen. We all want people to like us. But don’t make it a priority at the expense of realizing what you want to accomplish. If others are uneasy with your success or feel insecure around you, it’s not your job to make them feel comfortable.
Of course, self awareness and grace go a long way. But in general: own your confidence, leadership and charisma, and be a role model for others around you.

Know what you want.

I’m one of those people that gets passionately attached to an idea. Once I do, I’ve been known to have an unrelenting focus to make it happen. The first step is creating a clear vision of what you want, and a strategy for how to get you there.You can always change a plan, but if you don’t have one to begin with, it’s hard to change, right?

Ask for it.

Once you know what you want, ask for it. Whether you’re talking to your boss or a potential new client. “I’d like to manage a sales team focused on this vertical,” “I’d like to work with you,” “I’d like to be promoted to VP, and here’s why I’ve earned it.”

You can’t expect things you want to happen magically. You have to ask. If you don’t, you’ll never know what you could have gained.

Compete with yourself (and no one else). 

Many company cultures thrive on promoting competition among their workforce. I say, stay focused on the activities that will bring YOU the results you want. Giving your attention to others takes your eye off the prize of being the best you can be.And here’s the thing: your experience, values, strengths, skills, passions and DNA are totally unique. Embrace your individuality, and it will lead to your ultimate success. Don’t compete with others: compete with yourself.

Don’t expect a certain outcome.

I’m a huge believer in having high standards, a clear vision, and specific goals to get you where you want to go. Simultaneously, I’ve learned to not expect a certain outcome.

Business expectations are a breeding ground for disappointment. Sh*t happens within your own company and often with your clients (expectations of a timely product launch or revenues coming in at a specific time – you get the drill). Be open to how situations unfold and always have a plan B. If you remain flexible, the outcome may be better than you anticipated.

Trust your gut.

Truth be told, you’ve got to learn to use your instincts to be successful in business, and that requires making gut decisions. If you’re waiting for someone to tell you what to do, you’re probably in the wrong role or place.

The more you rely on your instincts and intuition, along with your life experience, the better you’ll be at making sound business decisions.

Speak up.

If you have ideas that can improve your company’s performance, announce them. Don’t endlessly offer information that hasn’t been requested (or you run the risk of driving your coworkers up the wall).

But if you have feedback on ways to do things better, propose a thoughtful solution. The only way companies can get better is if employees and customers provide their honest, constructive feedback.

Go for it.

Fear is what usually prevents us from doing something that is uncomfortable, our inner critic asking “what if I fail?” Be aware of your fears and acknowledge them, but just don’t let them stop you from going after what you really want.

Change the conversation in your head to: “I might be intimidated, but this will work! I got this!”From entrepreneurs to executives to professional women or women ready for a new career challenge, Amy Matthews has designed a tailored program for the community. Check it out on Woman UnRuled.

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